The Essequibo region is home to amazing wildlife, rich cultural heritage, pristine coastlines, secluded beaches, and friendly locals and, due to this magnitude of potential, the region is a prime tourist destination. As a result, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) has partnered with stakeholders in Regions 2 and 7 to establish a Regional Destination Management and Marketing Organisation (RDMMO) within the Essequibo Circuit with support from Target Euro.

This will result in the development of a tourism strategy, action plan, brand, and micro-website for the Essequibo region.

Target Euro, an Italian Consultancy firm specialising in multidisciplinary projects with an emphasis on tourism, aims to advise key public and private tourism stakeholders on how to promote the economic and social development of their tourist destinations. With the implementation of this partnership and the creation of the RDMMO, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) will be able to develop the competitiveness, social integration, and cooperation of their tourism sector, with the Essequibo Circuit being phase one.

The GTA is also receiving training to develop similar RDMMOs in other parts of Guyana so that external technical assistance will no longer be required.

Through its detailed, strategic action plan and business model, the RDMMO’s main objectives are to market the Essequibo to increase awareness and visitors while motivating them to stay longer and contribute to the socio-economic outcomes of Guyana.

Being adequately managed will undoubtedly improve the services and experiences offered resulting in a genuine Essequibo experience for travellers. Further, the resultant replicable RDMMO model can be repurposed and implemented in other regions.

“The creation of a new RDMMO similar to Visit Rupununi is a natural evolution of tourism development that builds off of the Department of Tourism’s efforts to coordinate regional development initiatives,” explained Brian T. Mullis, Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority. He added, “Tourism stakeholders in Region 2 and 7 are ready to work together to strengthen their collective efforts to promote the beautiful Essequibo region, which already attracts thousands of visitors.”

This project is aimed to be completed by September of this year and is outlined into four parts that place emphasis on key initiatives necessary to spearhead the Essequibo Circuit project.


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