Criticism of judiciary an important part of democracy

Dear Editor, The Bar Association's latest message to Guyanese is a reminder of how out of touch and irrelevant this association has become. It said...

Private sector bodies should review Guyana’s CFATF report

Dear Editor, I have noted the divergent views on the probe by the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) into alleged corruption by the Guyana Police...

No good achieved when painting unrealistic picture of poverty and misery

Dear Editor, Stabroek News has done 85 editions in its 'Cost of Living' series to date and is yet to interview someone willing to say...

Goolsarran and I don’t share the same ethical standards

Dear Editor, I had no intentions of revisiting this issue, but I am now compelled to so do, in response to Dr. Anand Goolsarran’s (the...

Min. Bharrat, Govt deserve an apology for JFK fiasco

Dear Editor, Something strange happened at New York's JFK airport. On July 11, 2024, Vickram Bharrat, Guyana's Minister of Natural Resources, arrived to visit his...

Bhagwandin’s company terminates contract with Exxon which insists on maintaining ties with Nigel Hughes’...

Dear Editor, In January 2024, SphereX Professional Services Inc. landed a “conditional” contract with ExxonMobil Guyana (hereinafter “EMGL”) to provide analytics and advocacy services in...

Technically, PPP regime has already renegotiated some aspects of Stabroek Block PSA

Dear Editor, In what appears to be an attempt at rebranding of a political party, the Alliance For Change (AFC) has claimed that it is...

Addressing inaccuracies in Hughes’ victory speech

Dear Editor, Having reviewed the newly elected leader of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Mr. Nigel Hughes “victory” speech that he delivered at the party’s...

Those with claims of corruption in public contract awards must engage relevant bodies or...

Dear Editor, Every government tender now attracts hundreds of qualified bids from an ever-growing cadre of contracting firms. It is a testament to the success...

Guyanese must reject despicable comments that most newly appointed judges were selected based on...

Dear Editor, The appointment of ten new judges by the Judicial Service Commission was greeted with relief by most Guyanese who understand that the system...

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