Bhagwandin’s company terminates contract with Exxon which insists on maintaining ties with Nigel Hughes’...

Dear Editor, In January 2024, SphereX Professional Services Inc. landed a “conditional” contract with ExxonMobil Guyana (hereinafter “EMGL”) to provide analytics and advocacy services in...

Tony Vieira has learnt a bitter lesson about the sugar industry

Dear Editor, No letter penned by Tony Vieira would be complete without reference to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo). It is no secret that he...

The mysterious barge was never named ‘Coolie Boy’

Dear Editor, The sunken barge that overturned and leaked petroleum products into the ocean off the coast of Tobago is not named ‘Coolie Boy’ and...

PM Rowley should be thankful for Guyana

Dear Editor, I recently saw from one of my Trinidadian friends, that a minority leader of a political party posted on his Facebook page, stating...

Guyanese must reject despicable comments that most newly appointed judges were selected based on...

Dear Editor, The appointment of ten new judges by the Judicial Service Commission was greeted with relief by most Guyanese who understand that the system...

Justice Singh, Take the Fraudulent Region 4 Declarations Down from GECOMs Website

We cannot with any shred of good intentions or integrity - continue to keep the fraudulent declarations made by Mr. Clairmont Mingo for Region...

Average annual salary increase for period 2021-2023 period is actually 15.4%

Dear Editor, Further to my letter published in the Guyana Standard online news outlet on December 11, 2023, and in the print media on December...

Analysis by GHK Lall not in keeping with his “Chartered Financial Analyst” status

Dear Editor, The latest column by GHK Lall (KN August 19, 2024) raises serious concerns about his credibility. GHK Lall has previously claimed that he...

Anti-racial governance needed in Guyana

The PNC (APNU-AFC) is the only group in Guyana that can currently organize, mobilize and defend their supporters against the ongoing and building onslaught...

Letter to the Editor: Benn’s proposal sparked Lowenfield’s 155 days calculation

Dear Editor, The reality of Good Friday and the restrictions imposed in the interest of mitigating COVID 19 have given me the latitude to pay...

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