A labourer was today remanded to prison after he was accused of robbing a policewoman of her purse, cash, and phone at the Shell Gas Station on Regent and King Streets, Georgetown.

The man, Jafar Carter, 24, of Haslington Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara, appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty and denied the charge which stated that, on May 25, 2019 at the Shell Gas Station, Regent and King Streets, he robbed Shamain Timmerman of a $5,000 purse, a phone valued at $26,000, and $5,000 in cash while he was armed with a pair of scissors.

Facts presented by Police Prosecutor Seon Blackman stated that on the day in question at around 00:10 hrs, the policewoman, along with a colleague, was walking close to Regent and King Streets when Carter came out from an alleyway and held on to her purse.

The victim then ran into the nearby gas station for safety, but Carter gave chase.

The court heard Carter placed the scissors to the victim’s side and took away the articles mentioned in the charge before escaping. The matter was then reported and Carter was arrested an hour later.

An identification parade was conducted and Carter was positively identified by the victim as the person who robbed her.

The prosecutor objected to bail being granted to Carter due to the prevalence of the offence. Hence, he was remanded to prison until June 19.



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