The Government of Guyana (GoG) has approved the sum of US$980,380 to Canadian company Intelcan Technosystems for the supply and installation of a new Instrument Landing System (ILS) at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). The company, however, was fingered in a procurement scam in Zimbabwe.

Announcing the award of the contract today was Director-General of the Ministry of the Presidency Joseph Harmon, who stated that the contract falls under the Ministry of Public Infrastructure.

Research on the company revealed that it was part of a procurement scam in Zimbabwe six years ago, which resulted in the suspension of a high-ranking official.   

According to Zim24News and Zimbabwean online news agency The Watchdog, Chief Executive David Chawota of the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (CAAZ) was charged four months ago for allegedly flouting tender processes when air traffic control and communication systems were acquired.

It was alleged that Chawota in May 2013 initiated a tender process for the supply of air traffic control systems. The tenders were for the supply, delivery, and installation of the radar surveillance system, navigation aid system, air traffic control communication systems, and air traffic control training simulator.

It is alleged that Indra Sistemas SA PL of Spain was awarded the tender for the supply, delivery and installations of Radar Surveillance systems worth US$19,838,000, while Intelcan Technosystems was awarded the tender for installing the navigation aid system at a cost of US$3,921,938.


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