The A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) is in full election mode, says the alliance’s Chief Whip Amna Ally. However, the AFC is yet to indicate formally its prime ministerial candidate.

The AFC has, thus far, endorsed its leader and Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan for the prime ministerial post.

Ally, who was speaking at a Peoples’ National Congress Reform press conference at Congress Place, Sophia, said, “PNCR and our partners that make up the APNU+AFC Coalition are in full election mode. We are ready!”

Quizzed on whether the AFC has indicated to the APNU its choice for prime ministerial candidate, Ally replied, “With regards to endorsing Minister Ramjattan, we have not received any formal requests, notification, or whatever.”

She noted, however, that the issue might be addressed soon as both coalition partners are scheduled to meet to discuss the accord that binds them together.

“We are still about to engage the AFC for consultation to deal with the Cummingsburg Accord, among other matters that are important and so maybe that is going to be one [matter] that is going to come up for discussion. But at the moment, we have no notification or no request from the AFC about a prime ministerial candidate.”

With regards to the preparation of the coalition’s manifesto, Ally said that the process is ongoing but she assured supporters that the document will be ready for elections. “We have started the work and it has not been completed but I can assure you that it will be ready in time for the elections,” she said.

AFC General Secretary and Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson told media operatives on June 11 this year at the party’s headquarters that the AFC reserves the right to appoint whomever it chooses as the prime ministerial candidate.

Patterson, who was involved in the crafting of the Cummingsberg Accord – the instrument under which the Coalition is founded – said the agreement specifically states that “the AFC shall nominate the prime ministerial candidate and the APNU shall nominate the presidential candidate.”

“[We] will not entertain any discussion that changes that, and that’s just the way it is,” Patterson had said.



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