A 43-year-old taxi driver, who allegedly stabbed a man several times about his body during a row over $2000, was moments ago charged with attempted murder. He was remanded to prison.

Morris Carter of 20 D’Urban Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown, appeared before Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

He was not required to plead to the indictable charge which stated that on August 27, 2019, at Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, Georgetown, with the intent to commit murder, he wounded Matthew Gilbert.

Facts presented by Police Prosecutor Christopher Morris stated that on the day in question, Carter was at a wash bay when he saw the victim and approached him and asked him for the $2000 which he owed him for a finger ring.

The court heard the victim told Carter he did not have the money. They got into an argument.

Carter then allegedly pulled out a pair of scissors from his pocket and stabbed the victim serval times in the region of his heart.

The injured man fell to the ground in an unconscious state and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was treated.

He was later discharged.

However, the victim was taken back to the hospital this morning after complaining of feeling unwell.

Prosecutor Morris made serious objections to bail being granted to Persaud on the grounds of the serious nature of the offence and the penalty the charge attracts.

The magistrate, after listening to the facts, remanded Carter to prison until September 26, 2019.


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