The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) said that it is “disturbed and equally disheartened that the actions of the de-facto Coalition Government have plunged our proud people into great shame and our nation facing the real threat of isolation and possibly economic and social ruin”.

“The undemocratic posture of the incumbent has realized focused unwarranted and negative attention from nearly all quarters of the world as the actions of the APNU+AFC has been rightly and roundly condemned. Those statements of condemnation and urgings to do what is right and decent have been equally followed up by a wide cross-section of civil society and prominent individuals both locally and regionally,” the federation said in a stement today.

FITUG observed that States, organizations and individuals, who have been critical to the David Granger-led regime, have been victims of severe tongue-lashings and scorn by persons affiliated with the incumbent.

“With an almost gang-like mentality, we see vicious verbal attacks aimed to besmirch and denigrate their points-of-view. This apparent modus operandi seems to be ‘you’re either with us or against us’. Such approaches, we contend, are certainly unhelpful and only bring further negative perception to our country and to all Guyanese. On this score, the FITUG abhors and condemns especially the continued attacks on GECOM Chairperson Justice (retired) Claudette Singh. We believe that while everyone has a right to disagree, the actions to vent their disagreement have gone well beyond the proverbial line.”

FITUG contends that the “reality” is most Guyanese are decent-minded, hard-working and right-thinking and do not support the “hijacking” of the elections.

“We, like them, want peace to prevail and the wheels of progress to turn. Rather we all are now faced with the reality that certain persons have chosen to ignore our people’s well-being as they seek to satisfy their lust for power, perks and privilege. With the possibility of further and more severe sanctions, many ordinary Guyanese are generally fearful that their life’s work and achievement could all disappear as power-hungry forces seek to defy the will of the people and cling to power at all costs,” FITUG said.

It added that it is time that the Coalition accept the reality, if it hasn’t already, and recognize that it has lost its mandate to govern Guyana.

“It needs to be forthright with its supporters and begin, like all political organizations in similar circumstances, to rebuild, to reform and to consolidate as it seeks to regain the support of Guyanese. This is the way of democratic societies and organizations and they must put people and country way ahead of their self-interest. We urge that the Coalition live up to its slogan of ‘decent and honest’and make way for the peaceful and swift transition of Government as we all seek to put Guyana and Guyanese first,” the statement concluded.


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