More pregnant Guyanese women are contracting COVID-19, Health Minister Dr. Frank Anthony revealed today. There are 13 expectant mothers at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)’s Maternity Ward. These women hail from across the country and were required to be tested upon visiting the GPHC for care. It was during this exercise that the hospital was able to identify the infected women and make alternative arrangements for their accommodation.

The Minister pointed out that more pregnant women are getting infected by the virus, noting that the number of infected, expectant mothers has almost doubled within 24 hours.

“So, 13 of these women have tested positive and we have to make special arrangements for their deliveries. We have been seeing an increase in COVID-19 infections among pregnant women. Just the day before we only had seven, but today we have 13 positive women,” he said.

The health official said Guyana overall, is experiencing a surge in infections, presumably brought on the existence of the Delta variant.

Over the last 24 hours, health officials have recorded 161 new cases from 1,728 tests. There are 2,430 active cases in the country, with 129 hospitalised. Minister Anthony said that 37 patients are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).


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