A young woman who lost her sister in that deadly Mahdia school dorm fire, has expressed frustrations, over what she says are attempts to politicise the tragedy.

Rihanna Williams took to Facebook recently, where she wrote: “I just want to tell those of you who are playing [the] blame game on political parties to stop it. Allow us, the family members of the 19 children that perish in the fire to grieve in peace. Why are you guys involving politics in everything?”

Williams, in her plea, defended the governing party, saying that the it did not set fire to the dorm. She added that the APNU/AFC opposition continues to lambaste the government for not ensuring measures were in place at the facility, but it too, did not make the facility safer during its time in office between 2015 and 2020.

“[The] grills were there even when APNU/AFC government was in power. Still, they never changed anything. So, why only now do you see it as a problem and blame other political parties?”

Williams also rejected politicians’ use of her deceased sister’s photo and those of her family to score political points. “It is unacceptable”, the distraught woman said.

Williams also expressed gratitude to the many persons who have been praying for both the victims and survivors of the tragedy.

“To those of you who have been praying and sympathizing with us, we love and appreciate you guys and we are also sending prayers your way. All of us are feeling pain and sadness because of what has happened. Let us lift each other in our prayers. We are in it together and let’s stay strong together. sending hugs your way.”

Meanwhile, the child who is accused of setting fire to the dorm that led to the deaths of 18 girls and a boy, was today remanded.


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