Police are investigating an alleged wounding committed on Kim Near, a 42-year-old medical student of ‘C’ Field Sophia, Georgetown. The incident occurred on Sunday last about 22:06 hrs.

Investigations so far disclosed that the victim and the suspect are neighbours. It was further disclosed that the suspect has a habit of tying his horse in front of the victim’s residence. He did this on the date and time mentioned above.

The victim told the suspect that he should desist doing same, and this made the suspect annoyed. Guyana Standard understands that a confrontation between the two men ensued on the ‘C’ Field Sophia main road. Near received injuries to his left-side chest and head inflicted by the suspect, who later made good his escape in an unknown direction.

The victim was later taken to a city hospital where doctors admitted him in a critical condition.

The suspect remains on the run as investigations continue.


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