Opposition parliamentarian and former Public Works Minister, David Patterson has instructed his lawyers to commence “constitutional proceedings” for damages against the State after he was prevented from leaving the country.

Patterson was reportedly blocked from leaving the country to attend a Congressional meeting despite order of court permitting him to leave the country, his lawyers say.

Last Tuesday, Patterson went to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport for the purposes of travelling to the United States to deliver a presentation on Guyana to the Black Congressional Caucus on Capitol Hill. After he cleared customs and immigration, he was approached by Immigration Officers who informed him that he was not permitted to travel.

Patterson contacted his Attorneys at Hughes Fields and Stoby, who informed him that the magistrate had expressly permitted him to travel for business and professional reasons when he was recently charged, provided he attended the court hearing either virtually or in person.

The lawyers then engaged the Immigration officers and inquired whether they were in possession of any order of Court restraining Patterson from travelling.

They responded indicating that there did not have any such order neither were they aware of any such order but there was “something in the system” which said Patterson could not travel.

The attorneys invited the officers to engage the Head of immigration immediately as Patterson’s constitution right to travel would be violated if he was prevented from travelling.

The officers also asked that the Attorneys call back in five minutes. On the return call, the Attorneys were informed that they were unable to contact the Head or Deputy Head of immigration.

Patterson was scheduled to deliver presentations today and tomorrow to the Congressional Black Caucus on Capitol Hill.


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