Dear Editor,

The following Demerara Waves report: “Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said the fugitive was properly served at his Brooklyn residence” in reference to Rickford Burke, has led me to ponder, why would the Vice President, to wit in his capacity as General Secretary of the PPP,  report on a matter which is essentially a police (law enforcement) matter.

According to the same Demerara Waves` report, the “Police Force and the Guyana government on Thursday remained mum on a series of questions related to the service of summonses to New York-based Guyanese anti-government activist Rickford Burke.”

Further, the Vice-President`s use of language also attracts attention. How can someone who was never in captivity and was reportedly properly served a summons be referred to as a fugitive, in such circumstances.?

Yours sincerely,

Vincent Alexander


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