Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton on Tuesday unveiled plans for an extensive rollout of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) training nationwide, with a particular emphasis on the mining and construction sectors. Minister Hamilton emphasized the prevalence of unsafe practices in these industries, resulting in a concerning number of on-the-job fatalities.

The Labour Ministry’s commitment to reducing workplace deaths to zero involves an intensified focus on Occupational Health and Safety training, accompanied by collaborative efforts with key stakeholders. Despite a marginal decrease in workplace deaths from 2022 to 2023, with 20 fatal accidents recorded last year, Minister Hamilton stressed that even one death is one too many.

Of the 20 recorded deaths in 2023, nine occurred in the mining sector, predominantly in Region Seven, while six were in the construction sector, with four concentrated in Region Four. Minister Hamilton highlighted the human impact of these statistics, emphasizing that each death represents an individual with loved ones.

“Some would ask, what’s the big issue here? The big issue here is that every death is a person, it is not a statistic. It is somebody’s child, husband, father. “

Establishing joint technical committees with partner agencies, including the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), the Guyana Gold Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA), and the Ministry of Health, the Labour Ministry aims to develop specialized training programs. These programs, such as First Aid Training for miners, will be crucial in addressing the unique challenges of these sectors.

Acknowledging the need for collective responsibility, Minister Hamilton called for action across various sectors, emphasizing the role of culture and attitude in ensuring workplace safety. Despite ongoing engagement with miners through brochures, meetings, and training sessions, challenges persist, especially in mining areas where the allure of gold often overshadows safety concerns.

“We continue to engage the miners. Our officers, they go there, —they take brochures, they have meeting(s) with them, they have training sessions, and all of those things but importantly, is the culture and the attitude”.

Over the past four years, more than 75 workplace deaths have been recorded, accompanied by 175 non-fatal accidents investigated in 2023, primarily in the Agriculture and Manufacturing Sectors. Minister Hamilton underscored the multifaceted approach required to address these issues effectively, stressing the importance of cooperation and a shift in attitudes toward workplace safety.


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