Omni Helicopters Guyana Inc. (OHGI), a subsidiary of Omni Helicopters International (OHI), has been awarded the Great Place to Work® Certification™. This document is based entirely on employees’ feedback about their workplace experience. Notably, OHGI is the first company in Guyana to receive this recognition.

Great Place to Work® is a global authority on workplace culture, employee experience, and leadership behaviors that drive market-leading revenue, employee retention, and innovation. The certification process involved a comprehensive survey across several of OHI’s entities, including Omni Táxi Aéreo and Revo in Brazil, OHI in Portugal, and OHGI in Guyana. All these entities successfully achieved the certification, underscoring OHI’s commitment to fostering an exemplary work environment across its global operations.

Sarah Lewis-Kulin, Vice President of Global Recognition at Great Place to Work®, highlighted the significance of this achievement, stating, “Great Place to Work Certification is a highly coveted achievement that requires consistent dedication to the overall employee experience.”

Peter Gay, Country Manager for Omni Helicopter Guyana Inc., expressed pride in this accomplishment, emphasizing the integral role of employees in delivering exceptional customer service. “Our commitment to deliver exceptional customer service can only be achieved through our employees, and this type of certification, which benchmarks against the best in the world, is essential to ensure that we are best-in-class and can ensure a positive and consistent employee experience.

“We’re delighted that our team here in Guyana feels valued and enjoys coming to work at Omni each day, and I thank them for their commitment and dedication,” Gay said.

As mentioned, the Great Place to Work® Certification™ is a unique accolade as it is entirely based on employees’ reports about their workplace experience, particularly their experiences of a high-trust workplace environment. Over 10,000 companies across 60 countries apply for this certification each year, making it a global benchmark for outstanding employee experience.

Omni Helicopters International, the parent company of OHGI, has established itself as Latin America’s leading provider of air mobility solutions since its inception in Portugal in the 1990s. OHI caters to a wide range of customer groups, offering seamless and efficient air mobility and delivery solutions across various segments.

The company’s extensive service portfolio includes Crew Change, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Firefighting, Search and Rescue operations, and highly specialized Cargo and Utility services, particularly in remote and challenging locations.

OHI’s subsidiaries, including Omni Táxi Aéreo in Brazil and Omni Helicopters International Mozambique, extend its reach and capabilities, particularly in serving the fastest-growing offshore energy markets. In addition to its traditional services, OHI has ventured into innovative domains with OHI Unmanned, specializing in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) services, and Revo, which offers premium advanced air mobility (AAM) solutions.

The company said that the recognition from Great Place to Work® reinforces its commitment to maintaining high standards of employee satisfaction and operational excellence.

It also not only sets a new standard for workplaces in Guyana but also highlights the importance of prioritizing employee well-being and engagement as key drivers of business success.


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