Cops in Regional Division 6 are investigating the murder of Joshua Hardatt, called ‘Money’, a 25-year-old Welder of Lot 371 Bloomfield Village, Corentyne Berbice.

He was reportedly killed sometime between 18:00hrs on Tuesday May 21, 2024, and 08:00hrs on Wednesday May 22, 2024, at Auchlyne Cultivating Dam.

Initial investigations revealed that Hardatt left his residence with his silver-grey Toyota Premio car, PAD 1612, and went to an unknown destination. At about 09:00hrs, relatives received a call that the car was seen on Auchlyne Cultivating Dam.

The police were informed, and the scene was visited. Hardatt’s body was found motionless, lying face down in a crouching position in the back passenger seat of his car with marks of violence to the face, forehead and a wound to the back of the head.

The body was escorted to Ramoo Funeral home, where it awaits a postmortem examination.

Two suspects were arrested and are currently in custody assisting with investigations.


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