Former Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan moments ago issued congratulations to President, Irfaan Ali, and the members of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) for their victory in the 2020 polls. In the same breath, he sought to urge the new President not to return Guyana to the days where notorious criminals like Roger Khan were part of the governance structure. “…We cannot go back there, we have to go forward,” the former minister and Vice President stated. Ramjattan also called for the partisanship and bitterness that characterized the long road to the declaration of the results to be left in the past. He said, “It was a long period and we are all tense and distressed but we must put the rancor behind us or else we will become a degraded State. Let’sput it in the past and let us have a community of democrats.”Further to the foregoing, the former Minister, during his interview with APNU’s Sherod Duncan said that he saw the swear-in ceremony and thought that Ali spoke well. He said, too that he has taken note of Ali’s pledge to govern in the interest of all Guyanese and expressed hope that such a statement is genuine. To the supporters of the APNU+AFC, Ramjattan said he knows that they feel hugely disappointed while others are still in denial. Whichever it is, he said that they need to have hope and understand that the opposition will not allow the PPP Government to take advantage of the country.


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