The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security (MHSSS) in partnership with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Guyana on December 10, 2020, launched its toll-free 914 emergency hotline number which persons can call to report domestic and sexual violence and also ask for assistance. So far, some 197 reports have been made, the Ministry said today.

See table below:

Callers for domestic violence – 40 were males, 116 were females, and 3 callers did not disclose their identity.

NOTE: The three callers who did not disclose their gender identity, asked to remain anonymous at the time of their reports. Of the child protection-related cases received, 1 caller was a male child while 37 were adults calling on behalf of a child(ren). Of the 37 adults who made reports – 2 were males, 22 females and 12 did not disclose their identity.


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