Cops in Region Six are currently conducting an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Cecilia Ramsook, known as ‘Sisto,’ a 60-year-old woman who resided at Lot 41 Johanna North, Black Bush Polder, Corentyne Berbice.

Preliminary inquiries revealed that the last confirmed sighting of the woman was on May 9, 2023, at a ‘wake house’ located in Mibicuri. Unfortunately, her decomposing body was discovered on Sunday at approximately 08:00 hrs.

According to Dropatie Ramsook, the 44-year-old daughter of the deceased, Cecilia Ramsook lived alone and had a medical history of hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure.

The body was taken to Ramo Funeral Home, where it awaits a post-mortem examination.


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