Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo today declared that Guyana remains undeterred in its commitment to development, brushing off recent threats from Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan leader has announced plans to establish a temporary government in Guyana’s Essequibo region, escalating tensions by demanding the evacuation of mining and oil companies within three months.

Addressing concerns over these developments, Vice President Jagdeo emphasized that Guyana’s government is resolute in protecting its investments in the Essequibo region, both on land and in the adjacent oil-rich maritime zones. Despite the geopolitical challenges, Jagdeo stressed that Guyana will not halt its development initiatives.

“If we pause any of our development, Maduro succeeds,” stated Vice President Jagdeo during the press conference. “Maduro has no right in international law to tell the people of Guyana, a sovereign country, how to pursue its affairs, and that is why we are forging ahead with our development.”

Jagdeo acknowledged the upcoming emergency meeting hosted by CARICOM, expressing optimism that the discussions would favor Guyana’s stance. He also revealed plans for Guyana to address the United Nations Security Council on the matter tomorrow, underlining the government’s proactive approach to the situation.

“We are in enhanced operational mode,” Jagdeo added, highlighting the government’s dedication to addressing the issue at the highest level. However, he emphasized that the government remains focused on its primary mandate of governance and improving the lives of its citizens.

Despite the external challenges, Jagdeo provided an overview of Guyana’s positive economic outlook. He mentioned ongoing efforts in the oil and gas sector, the preparation of the upcoming budget, and a commitment to public servants with an impending payout before the end of the year. The Vice President also cited a favourable report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which recognized Guyana’s containment of inflation despite increased capital spending.

As Guyana faces geopolitical pressures, Jagdeo sought to highlight the government’s unwavering commitment to national development and underscore the resilience of the country in the face of external threats. He said the government remains steadfast in its pursuit of progress and prosperity for its people.


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