Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo gave all assurances on Thursday that every movement by Venezuelans in proximity to Guyana’s borders is being closely monitored.

The Guyanese leader said this today during a press conference he hosted at the Office of the President.

Dr. Jagdeo said it is not his government’s intent to telegraph the details of its maneuvering in response to Venezuela’s President, Nicholas Maduro and his unlawful acts.

Maduro had announced on Tuesday, seven measures he would take in response to the referendum which was met with a low turn out. These include the appointment of a temporary government whose headquarters will be located in Tumeremo, Venezuela. Maduro also instructed that two subsidiaries be established to start issuing oil and gold licences in Essequibo as well as off of its coast. He also gave companies in Guyana’s territory three months to exit.

In light of those steps, Jagdeo was asked to say if intelligence thus far has indicated an increase of Venezuelan military forces near Guyana’s borders. He was also asked to comment on the possibility of increased military presence in communities near our borders.

Jagdeo said, “…Deployment is a tactical issue and we best leave that for our advisors and those who are in our military units. They will deal with that issue…I am not a Maduro who will go an make an announcement like what he said today, he is moving four new generals to the border. We are not going to telegraph our position.”

The Vice President stressed however that the border remains under close watch. In this regard he reminded that the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) conducted flight operations within Guyana today. He said, “This is part of finding out what is happening and our army and planners will respond accordingly.”

According to a statement from the US Embassy, this exercise builds upon routine engagement and operations to enhance security partnership between the United States and Guyana, and to strengthen regional cooperation.

In addition to this exercise, the embassy said USSOUTHCOM will continue its collaboration with the GDF in the areas of disaster preparedness, aerial and maritime security, and countering transnational criminal organizations. “The U.S. will continue its commitment as Guyana’s trusted security partner and promoting regional cooperation and interoperability,” the statement said.

The Vice President said this is just an example that Guyana’s efforts at enhancing its defense cooperation are bearing fruit.

“So I can assure you that we are watching carefully, everything that is going on. Every single movement near our borders is being tracked,” the official said.


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