In a resolute defense of the controversial Qatari-funded Georgetown Seafront Resort and Convention Centre, Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has boldly proclaimed that critics will be left to “eat their words” once the project comes to fruition.

Addressing the persistent backlash against the construction of the multi-million dollar complex along Carifesta Avenue at his press conference today, Vice President Jagdeo reiterated the government’s stance, emphasizing that the lands allocated to the private Assets Group from Qatar rightfully belong to the State, not City Hall.

Earlier today during the Office of the Leader of the Opposition’s press conference, Aubrey Norton voiced vehement opposition of the project, decrying what the party perceived as executive lawlessness and lack of transparency characterizing the Qatari hotel deal.

Norton highlighted concerns over the ownership dispute between the government and the Georgetown City Council, as well as the opaque selection of developers.

He also lambasted the PPP government for bypassing public consultation, proper planning, and compliance with the law. Furthermore, he criticized the deterioration of relations between the central government and the Georgetown municipality, asserting that the country’s image as an investment destination suffers due to opaque dealings by the Vice President.

In contrast to the government’s approach, he noted the opposition is advocating for multi-stakeholder consultation, transparent bidding processes, and public availability of fiscal terms and contracts.

However, despite the mounting opposition from APNU and dissenting councilors within the Georgetown Mayor and City Council, Jagdeo remained unwavering in his support for the project. He emphasized the transformative potential of the venture, highlighting its estimated cost exceeding US$300 million, making it the country’s sole five-star hotel and boasting convention space surpassing that of the Marriott ballroom by fivefold.

“This country is changing, and you have to cater for all sorts of activities that bring benefits to the people,” Jagdeo declared during a press conference. “At the end of construction, at least 500 Guyanese will have permanent jobs there.”

Jagdeo admonished detractors, particularly opposition members, drawing parallels with past resistance to the construction of the Marriott hotel. “They had to eat their words with that development,” he asserted. Criticizing their objections as baseless, he dismissed claims of encroaching on green space and unearthed documents from inaccessible archives.


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