Police are investigating the murder of 19-year-old Orlando Samaroo of Lot 439 Belle West, West Bank Demerara. The incident occurred between May 16 and May 17, 2024, in Belle West (Phase #2). The suspect is a 31-year-old miner from Belle West Housing Scheme.

According to the police report, Samaroo had allegedly beaten and robbed the suspect several weeks ago, leading to ongoing conflicts between them.

On May 16, around 2:00 PM, Samaroo was sitting under a bus shed in Belle West with several men when the suspect, armed with a knife, approached him. The suspect grabbed Samaroo’s jersey and stabbed him multiple times in the abdomen before fleeing on foot.

Samaroo was rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital and later transferred to Georgetown Public Hospital, where he died from his injuries at 10:00 AM on May 17.

The body is at Georgetown Public Hospital’s mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination. Police have questioned several individuals and gathered useful information. The suspect is still at large as investigations continue.


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