I salute our brave traffic officers
Dear Editor,
It is with great admiration and respect that I salute the brave men and women of the traffic department within the Guyana Police...
AFC, PNC’s positions on Local Government Elections leave their sanity open to questioning
Dear Editor,
It saddens me to see the madness that has taken over politics in a country that I so love.
Most recently, the AFC back-peddled...
Foundation rejects VP Jagdeo’s “malicious and intentional denigration of Burnham”
Dear Editor,
The recent commemorations of the birth anniversaries of two of the founders (Burnham and Jagan) of the original People`s Progressive Party evoked feelings...
Criticism of judiciary an important part of democracy
Dear Editor,
The Bar Association's latest message to Guyanese is a reminder of how out of touch and irrelevant this association has become. It said...
APNU+AFC yet to account for $199B it mismanaged while in office; has no authority...
Dear Editor,
In a recent press conference, Economic Advisor to the Leader of the Opposition, Elson Low asserted that the second cost recovery audit of...
Exxon’s new US$160M office necessary, not an added burden on Guyanese taxpayers
Dear Editor,
Reference is made to a letter in the Stabroek News edition of February 18, 2023, with the caption, “the Exxon HQ budget is...
Is shared governance achievable in a racially divided oil-rich country?
Dear Editor,
Several weeks ago, my friend James Bond was seen in a photo with Vice President Bharat Jagdeo, which apparently was taken after a...
LETTER: Govt.’ s financial contribution to relief efforts for Turkiye , Syria profoundly moving
Dear Editor,
The Government of Guyana recently announced financial contributions to the relief efforts in Turkiye and Syria. The earthquakes of February 6 claimed over...
IDPADA-G’s use of “white historian” for 1763 Revolution event misses mark on representation
Dear Editor,
A few years ago, I asked a dear Afro-Guyanese friend a blunt question: "Do you consider the damage you are doing to your...
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vreed-en-Hoop Shorebase not a public private partnership
Dear Editor,
I am writing in reference to a letter published the Stabroek News on March 23, 2023, with the caption, “Vreed-en-Hoop shore base, funded...