After much retaliation from the staff unions of the University of Guyana, outgoing Vice Chancellor Ivelaw Griffith has withdrawn his request for a renewal of his contract and will no longer function in the post from June 14.

Based on an official statement released by the university, the UG Council had convened to make a determination on the matter of the renewal or non-renewal of Griffith’s contract.

At the centre of the issue was the evaluation of Professor Griffith’s term in office as one basis for the determination of the matter.

However, during the course of the meeting, correspondence was received from the Vice Chancellor, withdrawing his previous request for a renewal of his contract. The University Council, the statement reads, “Accepted his withdrawal and hereby notifies the public that as of June 14, 2019, Professor Griffith, who is at present on terminal leave, shall cease to be Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana.”

The public is further advised that a Transitional Management Team has been duly approved by the University Council. The Team will be chaired by Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Engagement, Professor Michael Scott; with Deputy Vice Chancellor for Philanthropy, Alumni and Civic Engagement, Professor Paloma Mohamed serving as the Deputy Chair and Registrar while Dr Nigel Gravesande will serve as Secretary to the Management Committee.

According to Pro-Chancellor Major General (retd) Joseph Singh, “The Team has been identified to take control of the Management of the University with effect from June 14, 2019, until such time that a new Vice-Chancellor is appointed.”

He further stated, “The aforementioned notwithstanding, the University Council will continue to pursue its agenda, including the conduct of a Management Audit, the identification of a new Chancellor, and [will soon] commence the search for a new Vice-Chancellor.”

The University Council, the statement added, “looks forward to a cessation of the recent exchanges in the media on the University’s internal processes, but in the interest of openness, will keep the University Community and the wider society informed of unfolding developments as the University seeks to continue its work and to provide for a seamless transition of leadership in the interest of its students, faculty and staff members.


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