Please see full release from the Education Ministry regarding the ongoing works to the Good Hope Secondary School:


The Ministry of Education wishes to update the public on the status of the new Good Hope Secondary School. It was hoped that the school could have been opened physically but unfortunately, there have been several setbacks with the physical infrastructure not being completed due to the previous contractor’s failure to deliver. After two or three extensions, the contract was terminated with the previous contractor by the Government. The Government of Guyana and the World Bank then gave their no objection to having R. Bassoo and Sons Construction be awarded the contract to complete the school. It is expected that this school will be completed in April 2022.

In September 2020, 195 Grade 7 students were allocated to Good Hope Secondary School. At that time, the school was only 75% complete. As such, the Minister of Education met with the parents of these students on the 13th of October 2020. The following decisions were taken:

1. Any student who wished to be placed at another school will be granted a transfer

2. All remaining students will be taught virtually

At that time, it was projected that the school would be completed by August 2021. During the academic year, September 2020 to August 2021, 75 students were granted a transfer. As such, the current enrolment of this school is 120 Grade 8 students. This cohort has been divided into 5 classes. These students were initially taught Mathematics, English, Science, and Social Studies.

However, the curriculum was expanded, and students are now being taught Information Technology, Agriculture Science, Home Economics, Industrial Technology and Health and Family Life Education (HFLE). The practical components of these subjects are done at Annandale Secondary School. Eighteen (18) teachers have been retained by the Ministry of Education to teach these students virtually.

The current Grade 8 cohort of Good Hope Secondary will continue to receive virtual teaching until the school is ready for physical attendance. The Minister of Education met with the parents of these students on the 1st October 2021 and advised them of the recent developments. While parents were disappointed that the school had not been completed, they agreed that the virtual teaching should continue. Again, the Ministry of Education wishes to assure the public that it is working assiduously with the new contractor to have this school completed, soonest.





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