Vice-President, Bharrat Jagdeo has made it clear that there is no vaccine requirement for children to benefit from the government’s ‘Because We Care’ or school uniform grants.

The Vice President who was responding to a concern raised by a Paradise, Region Five resident on Saturday during a meeting at the Community Centre Ground, dismissed the narrative as, “Utter, unadulterated nonsense.”

He strongly rejected the assertion, noting, “That is a rumour mill kind of thing,” while calling on persons to disregard such lies.

Jagdeo said the children’s vaccine is voluntary, “Nobody is forcing none of our children to take the vaccines, it’s up to the parents.”

The Vice President is assuring Guyanese that there is no discrimination in the disbursement of the school children’s grant.

He also made it clear that vaccination is not linked to any of the support interventions of the administration.

Guyana recently procured the Pfizer vaccine for children in the 5 – 11 age category, and the Ministry of Health is currently rolling out the vaccination campaign.

While vaccination is being encouraged to eliminate the spread of COVID-19, consent is required from parents and is entirely voluntary. (Extracted and modified from the Department of Public Information)


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