If PPP wins with a majority, Guyana may become the next resource curse on...

In the eyes of former Presidential Advisor , Dr. Jan Mangal, the major political parties of the day have failed miserably to demonstrate that...

“Big” City businesses owe City Hall more than $4B in property tax – Town...

The limping cash-strapped City Hall is in a pickle to find its footing now that the accumulative amount of property taxes owed to the...

Guyana’s Services Sector booms with 9.1% growth at half year – Report

Guyana’s services sector is estimated to have grown by 9.1 percent in the first half of the year, driven largely by growth in administrative...

Guyana could earn over US$950 from oil sector this year- Finance Minister

  Senior Minister with responsibility for Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh disclosed, via his 2022 budget, that Guyana is expected to earn over US$950M from its...

SPU defends 4.75% interest rate on $30B bond for sugar industry

Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo believes that the interest rate for the $30B bond given to the Special Purpose Unit (SPU) of the...

GDP records 5.4 % growth rate for 2019; highest figure for last five years

Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was originally projected to grow some 4.6 percent for 2019. At the half-year, this projection was revised downwards, marginally,...

Chris Ram does not fully understand the foreign currency issue

Dear Editor, Christopher Ram, in his quest for relevance from time to time, has once again failed to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the foreign...

Special oil auditing unit underway at GRA- Jagdeo confirms

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has been given approval by the government to establish a special auditing unit that will focus on the oil...

Govt. to spend nearly $40M on Water Treatment Facility for Mazaruni Prison

The Guyana Prison Service (GPS) has revealed that the APNU+AFC government will soon be spending some $39.5M on a water treatment plant for the...

GRA aggressively policing tax exemptions to safeguard investments- Jagdeo

Vice President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has assured that while the Government of Guyana wields tax exemptions as a powerful tool to attract investments, including...

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