GRA installs first baggage scanner at Moleson Creek Guyana/Suriname crossing

The Guyana Revenue Authority’s (GRA) Customs operations at the MolesonCreek Guyana/Suriname border crossing received a capacity boost following the installation of a new baggage...

Committee established to implement strategies for recovery of tourism industry begins operation

The Tourism Recovery Action Committee (TRAC) has begun formal operations. This Committee was established for the purpose of implementing strategies for the recovery of...

Accord signed to increase tourism between Guyana, Suriname

After a two- year gestation period of negotiation, drafting and refining, the Ministry of Business - which has responsibility for Tourism in Guyana -...

The enchanting village of Kato is one of Guyana’s most breathtaking gems

By Sueann Wickham Nestled in the rugged Pacaraima Mountains of Guyana lies a hidden gem known as Kato village. This enchanting indigenous settlement, home to...

Region 9 to get two new tourism products – GTA

The government, through the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), is working to develop two brand-new tourism experiences in Region Nine as part of its objective...

Travel, tourism injected $62.6B into economy for 2018

Over the past year, Guyana has managed to secure several accolades in the tourism sector from major tourism bodies across the world,...

Cheaper domestic travel being touted to boost tourism sector

Of the 410 persons that participated in the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA)’s Resident Survey, 129 suggested that, in order to improve the...

MoU signed to boost awareness of “destination Guyana”

The Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) and Tourism Guyana have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Its objective is to pave the way for a...

6,000 persons to be trained through Guyana-Barbados joint tourism initiative -Minister Walrond

  Some 6,000 persons will be trained through a Guyana- Barbados joint tourism initiative, as four internationally-branded hotels break ground in Guyana. Minister of Tourism,...

Tourism sector declines by 46%; gov’t commits to revitalising industry

The Tourism Sector continues to wane as the COVID-19 pandemic wreaks havoc around the globe. President of Guyana, Dr Irfaan Ali says that his...

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